The terror of stray cattle continues in the Gendoli Pholai panchayat area. These stray cattle enter the fields during the day and destroy crops, and at night, they occupy the roads, posing a threat to vehicle drivers.
In Gendoli, Goontha, Mahua, Gendoli Kala, Pholai, Kuwan village, and Jahuriya village, stray cattle gather on the roads at night. There have been several accidents involving vehicle drivers and these stray cattle.
The state government has directed the gram panchayats to take stray cattle to cow shelters, but the Gendoli and Pholai panchayat administrations have failed to solve this problem. No action has been taken to stop cattle owners from letting their cattle roam freely, nor has any initiative been taken to take these stray cattle to cow shelters.
Gendoli Sarpanch Padmavati Meena and Pholai Sarpanch Ramswaroop Kheecha say that the stray cattle will be taken to nearby cow shelters soon.
The villagers demand that the panchayat administration find a permanent solution to this problem and take the stray cattle to cow shelters, freeing the villagers from this trouble.